Veterinary behavior expert demystifyies feline behavior

They know their names. We can read their facial expressions, sort of. And some of them really like having us around. These are among the purported findings of recent scientific studies aimed at deciphering the behavior of ...

Why your cat does these 6 things, according to science

Having a cat (or several) can add companionship and warmth to any household. As you share each other's space, however, you may have noticed a few quirks that your cat exhibits, varying from adorable to plainly bizarre.

Six tips for looking after your new puppy, according to science

Puppies have the potential to bring enormous benefits to their owners' lives and can be an asset during uncertain times, including lockdown. That said, caring for a young animal is not without its challenges. With more than ...

Yes, your dog can understand what you're saying—to a point

Humans are unique in their ability to develop sophisticated language abilities. Language allows us to communicate with each other and live in complex societies. It is key to our advanced cognitive abilities and technological ...

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