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Invasive ants spread by hitchhiking on everyday vehicles

Insects are masters of transportation and get around by flying, crawling, swimming, burrowing, and even gliding. Now, ants have been observed using a new method of getting around: hitchhiking. These social insects pack up ...

Using AI to save the Tasmanian devil

Scientists at the University of Tasmania are using groundbreaking artificial intelligence (AI) technology to tackle the spread of Devil Facial Tumor 2 (DFT2).

Fish mucus: A form of maternal immunity like mammalian milk

Maternal immunity refers to the immunity transferred across the placenta, colostrum, milk or eggs from mother to offspring. It plays a key role in protecting the vulnerable offspring against pathogenic attacks, and is present ...

More news

Plants & Animals
Frog 'saunas' help endangered frogs survive the devastating impacts of a deadly fungal disease
Plants & Animals
Wolves reintroduced to Isle Royale temporarily affect other carnivores, humans have influence as well
Plants & Animals
Rewriting the armadillo family tree: A new species, plus a name change for the state mammal of Texas
Plants & Animals
Taking a closer look at the role Krause corpuscles play in sexual behavior in mice
Plants & Animals
What happens during the first moments of butterfly scale formation
Plants & Animals
Calculating injury risk for fruit flies by counting wounds in the wild
Plants & Animals
Lemur communication shows how humans evolved to create music
Plants & Animals
Lichen partnerships challenged by changes in the Northwoods
Plants & Animals
The plants bees need to maintain a healthy diet have been revealed
Plants & Animals
Maryland denounces Virginia decision on winter crab fishery: 'A bad day if you care about blue crabs'
Plants & Animals
A rare blue-eyed cicada was found in Niles, Illinois: Thousands more could exist, professor says
Plants & Animals
Why scientists are concerned about the effects of non-native horses and burros on natural ecosystems
Plants & Animals
Australia's giant lizards help save sheep from being eaten alive
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Bats use four key tactics for accurate target tracking
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Scientists identify safe havens we must preserve to prevent 'the sixth great extinction of life on Earth'
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Hidden mechanisms behind hermaphroditic plant self-incompatibility revealed
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The fascinating sex lives of insects
Plants & Animals
Wildlife mystery: Why are gray whales swimming into San Francisco Bay in increasing numbers?
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Battling anthracnose: Unearthing the plant's arsenal against pathogenic fungi
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Orchid awakening: Unveiling the hormonal choreography behind flower development

Other news

Tiny bright objects discovered at dawn of universe baffle scientists
Optics & Photonics
New method for generating monochromatic light in storage rings
Soft, stretchy electrode simulates touch sensations using electrical signals
Optics & Photonics
Updating the textbook on polarization in gallium nitride to optimize wide bandgap semiconductors
Earth Sciences
Investigating newly discovered hydrothermal vents at depths of 3,000 meters off Svalbard
General Physics
New NOvA results add to mystery of neutrinos
General Physics
LHCb investigates the rare Σ+→pμ+μ- decay
Drowning in waste: Pollution hotspots in aquatic environments
Planetary Sciences
Scientists clarify origins of lunar metallic iron
Materials Science
Biodegradable electronics may advance with ability to control dissolve rate
Social Sciences
Study finds motivation to compete is stronger with in-group members than with outsiders
A possible world record: Studying thin films under extreme temperatures with reflectometry
Researchers develop novel atom-thin material heat test
Cell & Microbiology
Researcher discovers 1 in 5 bacteria can break down plastic
Earth Sciences
Climate change to shift tropical rains northward, suggests computer modeling
Engineered biocatalyst for making 'drop-in' biofuels
Molecular & Computational biology
Supercomputing in the age of AI to accelerate protein structure prediction
Planetary Sciences
New class of Mars quakes reveals daily meteorite strikes
Optics & Photonics
Researchers develop technology to mass produce quantum dot lasers for optical communications
Astronomers discover two new Milky Way satellite galaxy candidates

Roadkill a 'preventable natural disaster,' report finds

More than 48,000 deer, thousands of Pacific newts, close to 100 mountain lions and many thousands of other animals are killed each year by vehicles on California roads, according to the 2024 "roadkill report" from the University ...