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The animal alliances reshaping our understanding of intelligence

In nature, interactions between species are often framed in terms of survival—those that hunt and those that are hunted. But research is showing some animals form surprising partnerships, reshaping scientists' ideas about ...

Galapagos birds exhibit 'road rage' due to noise

A new study has discovered that birds in the Galápagos Islands are changing their behavior due to traffic noise, with those frequently exposed to vehicles showing heightened levels of aggression.

Restored stream sees return of wild salmon population

Almost everywhere in California, salmon are on the decline. But in Putah Creek—a restored stream running through the University of California, Davis, campus—wild salmon are not only increasing, they are also completing ...

Which tree species fix the most carbon?

Forests provide many ecosystem services, including microclimate regulation, biodiversity preservation, air and water purification, and soil protection. Together with the oceans, they are one of the two most important carbon ...

More news

Plants & Animals
A mere whiff of penguin poo pushes krill to take frantic evasive action
Plants & Animals
'Musky' marsupial could solve hopping kangaroo mystery
Plants & Animals
Low-cost idea is helping farmers in developing countries prevent venomous snakebites through a customizable armor
Plants & Animals
Blending art and science in new Mojave Seedling Guide: Q&A
Plants & Animals
Australia's environment shows signs of improvement, but ecosystems remain under threat
Plants & Animals
U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services suggests letting bird flu spread naturally through poultry farms
Plants & Animals
How light and epigenetics cooperate to regulate plant growth
Plants & Animals
Fertilization experiment provides 50 years of data for sustainable open-field vegetable production
Plants & Animals
Can animals make art?
Plants & Animals
First right whale mom and calf of the season spotted in Cape Cod Bay
Plants & Animals
Integrated pest management: A vital strategy to protect Asian rice against fall armyworm
Plants & Animals
The cicadas are coming to Georgia: Why the clamor won't be quite as loud as last year
Plants & Animals
'Smart' roots modify hydraulics to make strategic use of water, field study confirms
Plants & Animals
Unveiling the potential of Japanese bird banding data for avian movement research
Plants & Animals
Study finds a good Sphagnum moss layer growth improves carbon sequestration in restored peatlands
Plants & Animals
Thorny skates come in 'snack' and 'party' sizes: After a century of guessing, scientists now know why
Plants & Animals
Conservation efforts are bringing species back from the brink, even as overall biodiversity falls
Plants & Animals
A social immune system: Leafcutter ants recognize and combat pathogens 30 days post-exposure
Plants & Animals
Stingrays reveal nature's elegant solution to maintaining geometric armor growth
Plants & Animals
Scientists map neural wiring of vocal circuits in songbirds

Other news

Saturday Citations: The universe doesn't care about your precious standard model
Cell & Microbiology
Dendritic spines: The key to understanding how memories are linked in time
Euclid opens data treasure trove, offers glimpse of deep fields
Materials Science
Researchers pioneer groundbreaking light-driven method to create key drug compounds
Materials Science
Eco-friendly detergent made from wood and corn shows promise
Cosmic anomaly hints at frightening future for Milky Way
Origin of life: How a special group of single-celled organisms laid the foundation for complex cells
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists witness living plant cells generate cellulose and form cell walls for the first time
Quantum Physics
An experimental test of the nonlocal energy alteration between two quantum memories
Social Sciences
A transition point in romantic relationships may signal the beginning of their end
General Physics
Scientists measure the spin-parity of charm baryons for the first time
Quantum Physics
Wireless terahertz cryogenic interconnect minimizes heat-to-information transfer in quantum processors
Deadly bacteria have developed the ability to produce antimicrobials and wipe out competitors, scientists discover
Insecticides may contribute to bigger problems with certain weeds
Optics & Photonics
Compact solid-state laser system generates 193-nm vortex beam for the first time
Planetary Sciences
A NASA spacecraft will make another close pass of the sun
New insights into formation of anthropogenic organic aerosols suggest greater region impact
Computational drug discovery: Exploring natural products targeting SARS-CoV-2
Condensed Matter
Cutting-edge experiments reveal 'hidden' details in transforming material with implications for faster microelectronics
Graphene quantum dots mimic orbital hybridization

Greasy hair gives polar bears fur with anti-icing properties

An international team of scientists has discovered the anti-icing secret of polar bear fur—something that allows one of the planet's most iconic animals to survive and thrive in one of its most punishing climates. That ...

Boiling river provides a window into the future of Amazonia

It's a place where few living things can survive in the water. Deep in the world's largest rainforest, there is a boiling river. Found in eastern central Peru, it is a small tributary that eventually leads to the Amazon River.