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Researchers train sheep to complete awake MRI imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique commonly used to explore the brains of sheep. Until now, it had only been performed under general anesthesia, to ensure the animal's immobility. Anesthesia, however, leads to ...

Scientists discover a new velvet worm species in Ecuador

Scientists have described the first new species of Ecuadorian velvet worm in more than 100 years. Named the Tiputini velvet worm (Oroperipatus tiputini), it was discovered in the lowland forests of the northern Amazon.

Honey bees vote to decide on nest sites—why we should listen

When people think of honey bees, they often think of classic wooden hives, in which beekeepers are having to breed more and more bees just to keep managed populations stable. These man-made boxes, designed to facilitate pollination ...

Scientists sequence entire genome of Australian bilby

Under pressure from predatory foxes and cats and competing with feral rabbits, the Greater bilby has lost more than 80% of its habitat. Conservation work led by Professor Carolyn Hogg is designed to help save the bilby from ...

Is bird flu in cattle here to stay?

Despite assurances from the federal government that bird flu will be eradicated from the nation's dairy cows, some experts worry the disease is here to stay.

More news

Plants & Animals
Sixty-million-year-old grape seeds reveal how the death of the dinosaurs may have paved the way for grapes to spread
Plants & Animals
Want to help our precious nocturnal bugs during Matariki's longer nights? Turn the lights down low
Plants & Animals
Peak performance: Plants' genetic strategies for surviving high-altitude habitats
Plants & Animals
Buckwheat responds better than wheat to future climate conditions, scientists confirm
Plants & Animals
Aerospace engineering student uses black soldier flies to grow pea plants in simulated Martian soil
Plants & Animals
No evidence that England's new 'biodiversity boost' planning policy will help birds or butterflies
Plants & Animals
Under pressure: How comb jellies have adapted to life at the bottom of the ocean
Plants & Animals
Three new extinct walnut species discovered in high Arctic mummified forest
Plants & Animals
Study projects loss of brown macroalgae and seagrasses with global environmental change
Plants & Animals
New mathematical model sheds light on the absence of breastfeeding in male mammals
Plants & Animals
Phytochemical diversity and herbivory are higher in tropical forests, says study
Plants & Animals
Researchers discover how nerve cells in bat brains respond to their environment and social interactions with other bats
Plants & Animals
World's smallest living elephants listed as Endangered on Red List
Plants & Animals
Invasive ants spread by hitchhiking on everyday vehicles
Plants & Animals
Using AI to save the Tasmanian devil
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Nation's largest freshwater fish could be added to California's threatened species list
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Researchers complete genus overview for 55 species of silk plants
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Fish mucus: A form of maternal immunity like mammalian milk
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Female capybara goes to Florida as part of a breeding program for the large South American rodents
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Frog 'saunas' help endangered frogs survive the devastating impacts of a deadly fungal disease

Other news

Astronomers discover a peculiar radio galaxy
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Increased atmospheric moisture may dampen the 'seeds' of hurricanes
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The first exponential quantum advantage for a natural streaming problem
Research shows Darwin and Wallace both right on butterfly evolution
Study finds one-third of Indonesia's deforested land left idle
Research intern helps discover a new pulsar buried in a mountain of data
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Microscopic fungi enhance soil carbon storage in new landscapes created by shrinking Arctic glaciers
The evidence is mounting: Humans were responsible for the extinction of large mammals
Analytical Chemistry
Rethinking old reaction mechanisms to obtain drug-type molecules
Analytical Chemistry
Melanin from cuttlefish ink shows promise as sustainable biomass resource
Layers of carbonate provide insight into the world of the ancient Romans
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Machine learning algorithm proves to be highly accurate in predicting Mount St. Helens eruptions
General Physics
World's most accurate and precise atomic clock pushes new frontiers in physics
Analytical Chemistry
Scientists probe chilling behavior of promising solid-state cooling material
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Climate projections show fewer opportunities for prescribed fires
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CERN's ATLAS experiment releases 65 TB of open data for research
Analytical Chemistry
Novel spectroscopy technique sheds light on nitrogen oxides reduction
Planetary Sciences
Moon 'swirls' could be magnetized by unseen magmas
Molecular & Computational biology
Targeted protein degradation: New adapter molecule expands potential of cell's waste disposal system
A new method to control quantum bound states in superconducting device

Unknown species discovered on deep-sea expedition

Transparent sea cucumbers, bowl-shaped sponges, and pink sea pigs are some of the fascinating animals discovered during a deep-sea expedition to the Pacific Ocean.

'Open gates' in warming Arctic are expanding salmon range

New research has connected warming ocean temperatures to higher Pacific salmon abundance in the Canadian Arctic, an indicator that climate change is creating new corridors for the fish to expand their range.