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Q&A: Authors discuss addressing the crisis of species loss

No oncologist would wait for a patient's cancer to spread before treating it. Similarly, waiting to detect the potential loss of a species across all its known habitats means interventions are often too late to turn the tide ...

Technicians counting salmon expect to see grizzlies

In the middle of the fast-flowing Chilkoot River, an Alaska state employee sits on a small perch over a narrow, fence-like structure and stares down into the rush of water.

The silent conversations of plants

This morning, my six-year-old came into our bedroom and started reading a story from a book. She followed each word on the page, slowly forming full sentences. Sometimes she stumbled and asked for help with some "funny words," ...

More news

Plants & Animals
New 'grumpy' fish species discovered in the Red Sea
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Researchers find evidence that bumblebees make the same memory errors as humans
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Urgent conservation efforts needed: Possible extirpation of the threatened Malagasy poison frog Mantella cowanii
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Are white patches on whale shark skin cause for concern?
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Genomics reveals sled dogs' Siberian lineage
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Flowers use adjustable 'paint by numbers' petal designs to attract pollinators, researchers discover
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Hawk-eyed photographer snaps threatened bird feared lost
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Global warming is driving rapid evolutionary response in fruit flies, research suggests
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Experimental evidence links plant diversity to ecosystem multifunctionality through multitrophic diversity
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Study shows plant-derived secondary organic aerosols can act as mediators of plant-plant interactions
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Study shows urbanization has impacted the population genetic structure of the Eurasian red squirrel in Japan
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Another rare Javan rhino calf spotted at Indonesia park
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Parasitoid wasp that lays its eggs inside of adult fruit fly discovered
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Scientists discover crude oil decimates sea otter buoyancy
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Antarctica's receding sea ice could impact seabirds' food supply
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Respiratory biology study finds zebrafish use tastebuds to measure oxygen levels in water
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Team unravels regulatory mechanism that prevents stem cell differentiation in vascular plants
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From Mount Etna to the UK: Genetics unveil the Oxford ragwort unique journey and resilience
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New in-vitro technique provides glimpse into the chloroplast workshop
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Unbiased look at plants reveals how they achieve transcriptional regulation

Other news

New research reveals that America's oldest tombstone came from Belgium and belonged to an English knight
Planetary Sciences
Hidden craters reveal Earth may once have had a ring—like Saturn
Optics & Photonics
Newly developed OLED could enable compact, lightweight night vision
Condensed Matter
Zirconium metals under extreme conditions found to deform in surprisingly complex ways
A wobble from Mars could be sign of dark matter, study finds
Hubble finds more black holes than expected in the early universe
Economics & Business
People underestimate the income of the top 1%, researchers find
Paleontology & Fossils
Unraveling an ancient European extinction mystery: Disappearance of dwarf megafauna on paleolithic Cyprus
Highly-sensitive beaks could help albatrosses and penguins find their food
Planetary Sciences
Astronomers discover new feature in exoplanet distribution that's between the Neptunian Desert and Savanna
General Physics
Nuclear theorists turn to supercomputers to map out matter's building blocks in 3D
Pollen affects cloud formation and precipitation patterns, researchers find
Analytical Chemistry
Freshwater oysters could be key to developing stronger, 'greener' adhesives
Cell & Microbiology
Computational tool can pinpoint causal relationships from complex biological data
Team discovers naturally occurring DNA-protein hybrids
General Physics
Black hole pairs may unveil new particles
The mammalian inner ear is a striking example of convergent evolution, new study reveals
Archaeological excavation in ancient Fregellae reveals the end of a cultural landscape
Optics & Photonics
New method improves understanding of light-wave propagation in anisotropic materials
Molecular & Computational biology
An unexpected protein connection in maize growth and defense could enhance crop resilience

Diagnosing oak wilt with the naked eye

University of Minnesota researchers developed a groundbreaking method for the rapid and accurate detection of oak wilt, a devastating disease threatening oak trees across North America. The disease is widespread in east-central ...

Mexican bat found to have photoluminescent feet

A small team of zoologists and ecologists with members from Instituto de Ecología and Soluciones Ambientales en Sustentabilidad Ambiental, both in Mexico, and the University of Texas at Austin, has found that a certain species ...

Hawk defies expectations in the face of habitat decline

Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis) that spend their winters in California seem to be going up in number, yet their preferred grassland habitat has been declining for over 20 years. Most other grassland bird species are, sadly, ...