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Unraveling the conservation conundrum of China's native Jacktree

The Jacktree (Sinojackia xylocarpa), native to China, is renowned for its unique spindle-shaped fruits and ornamental appeal. However, its survival is threatened by factors such as limited population size, fragmented habitats, ...

Another new wasp species discovered by researchers

A newly identified wasp species, Chrysonotomyia susbelli, has been discovered in Houston, Texas, marking the 18th new species identified by Rice University's Scott Egan and his research team since 2014. The discovery, the ...

Which plant species will survive the global change challenge?

In a temperate montane forest in southern Québec, all is quiet. But if you dig a little deeper, you'll see the landscape has a story to tell. Waterloo plant ecologist Dr. Julie Messier, alongside her collaborators from Sherbrooke, ...

Q&A: Authors discuss addressing the crisis of species loss

No oncologist would wait for a patient's cancer to spread before treating it. Similarly, waiting to detect the potential loss of a species across all its known habitats means interventions are often too late to turn the tide ...

More news

Plants & Animals
The power of one: Study finds solitary carnivores outkill group hunters
Plants & Animals
Biologists find that hardship early in life can affect health and longevity—even for marmots
Plants & Animals
Possum shrimp use their cave's special smell to trace their way home, study finds
Plants & Animals
Under-plant mirrors shown to improve endangered plant survival and growth
Plants & Animals
Technicians counting salmon expect to see grizzlies
Plants & Animals
Orca baby born to Washington's L pod
Plants & Animals
New 'grumpy' fish species discovered in the Red Sea
Plants & Animals
Scientists discover nonstomatal control of water loss in critical crops
Plants & Animals
Researchers find golden eagles improve their flight skills with age
Plants & Animals
Researchers find evidence that bumblebees make the same memory errors as humans
Plants & Animals
The silent conversations of plants
Plants & Animals
Sunflowers make small moves to maximize sun exposure—physicists can model them to predict how they grow
Plants & Animals
Urgent conservation efforts needed: Possible extirpation of the threatened Malagasy poison frog Mantella cowanii
Plants & Animals
Are white patches on whale shark skin cause for concern?
Plants & Animals
Genomics reveals sled dogs' Siberian lineage
Plants & Animals
Hawk-eyed photographer snaps threatened bird feared lost
Plants & Animals
Flowers use adjustable 'paint by numbers' petal designs to attract pollinators, researchers discover
Plants & Animals
Global warming is driving rapid evolutionary response in fruit flies, research suggests
Plants & Animals
Experimental evidence links plant diversity to ecosystem multifunctionality through multitrophic diversity
Plants & Animals
Study shows plant-derived secondary organic aerosols can act as mediators of plant-plant interactions

Other news

Why petting your cat leads to static electricity
Astronomers discover biggest ever seen black hole jets, which blast hot plasma well beyond their own host galaxy
New research reveals that America's oldest tombstone came from Belgium and belonged to an English knight
New kit makes classroom CRISPR experiments affordable and accessible
Astronomers detect hundreds of supernova remnants using novel method
New cosmic distance catalog could unlock the mysteries of universe formation
Webb Telescope provides another look into galactic collisions
Earth Sciences
Geoscientists confirm 'dripping' of Earth's crust beneath Türkiye's Central Anatolian Plateau
Plasma Physics
Tracking plasma progression in a picosecond: Physicists develop ultra-fast laser method to study high-density plasmas
General Physics
LHC experiments observe quantum entanglement at the highest energy yet
Social Sciences
Moving as one: Discovering how synchronous movements strengthen social bonds
South African rock art possibly inspired by long-extinct species, suggests research
2D silk protein layers on graphene pave the way for advanced microelectronics and computing
Social Sciences
Can toddlers help explain the origins of our bias for wealth?
General Physics
Ocean waves grow way beyond known limits, new research finds
Quantum Physics
Researchers simplify design of optical atomic clocks without compromising performance
Nature-inspired patterns boost polymer toughness
Propagated corals reveal increased resistance to bleaching across the Caribbean during the fatal heat wave of 2023
Magnifying deep space through the 'Carousel Lens'—rare alignment offers unique opportunity to study cosmology
Analytical Chemistry
First liquid-liquid extraction trial finds porous liquids can separate harmful or unwanted alcohols from mixtures