
Researchers elucidate the mechanics of cellular attachment

For cells to assemble into tissues and whole organs, the extracellular matrix (ECM) as well as integrins are required. The ECM forms a kind of extra-cellular protein meshwork; the integrins are surface proteins, which cells ...

Scientists unravel how and why Amazon trees die

The capacity of the Amazon forest to store carbon in a changing climate will ultimately be determined by how fast trees dieā€”and what kills them. Now, a huge new study has unravelled what factors control tree mortality rates ...

Already flooded, South Florida feeling wrath of Eta

Beaches and coronavirus testing sites were closed, public transportation shut down and some evacuations in place early Monday after Tropical Storm Eta made landfall in the Florida Keys, bringing heavy rains to already flooded ...

Do spoilers harm movie box-office revenue?

Researchers from Western University and University of Houston published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines whether spoiler movie reviews harm box office revenue.

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