
Bees are good informers

Honeybees can do far more than simply pollinate plants or make honey. The busy creatures also make excellent environmental monitors. This has been demonstrated by Wageningen UR bee researcher Sjef van der Steen. He used ...

A new transporter gene that regulates plant transpiration

When plants feel stress from a lack of water, they close their epidermal pores, or stomata, to prevent water loss via transpiration. Each stoma is flanked by a pair of guard cells, which change shape to close or open stomata ...

An upside-down cake throws a new light on photovoltaics

Do better with less. That is the challenge the researchers of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) have set for themselves, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Federal Office ...

The unexpected relatives of smallpox

(PhysOrg.com) -- A protein shared by the simple viruses that infect single-cell organisms, and their highly complex counterparts that affect mammals, could hold to the key to understanding and ultimately neutralising the ...

A new role for cytokinin plant hormones

When plants, including crops, are exposed to environmental stresses such as drought or high salinity, abscisic acid (ABA), a stress-responsive hormone is synthesized to induce a protective response. At the same time, the ...

How slow is slow? EXO knows

(PhysOrg.com) -- Cooks think of watched pots. Handymen grumble about drying paint. Kids dread the endless night before Christmas morning.

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