
Image: Saturn's moonlets disrupting a core ring

Saturn has the most extensive ring system in the Solar System. Sitting in the region of space spanning 7000 to 80 000 km above the planet's equator, these rings are mostly composed of particles of water ice contaminated with ...

Collaboration, research key to managing invasive species

Invasive species, such as the gypsy moth and emerald ash borer, have had devastating effects on Pennsylvania's forests, and the keys to combatting these threats are active management, collaboration and research, according ...

Who does most of the housework in multicultural Britain?

The first ever nationally representative study has looked at how housework is organised by couples across different ethnic groups in Britain. It finds that Black Caribbean men have the least traditional attitudes to gender ...

Riddle of cement's structure is finally solved

Concrete is the world's most widely used construction material, so abundant that its production is one of the leading sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Yet answers to some fundamental questions about the microscopic structure ...

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