
Stardust Logs A Decade Under The Stars

(PhysOrg.com) -- Saturday, Feb. 7, marked the 10th anniversary of the launch of NASA's well-traveled Stardust spacecraft.

Model Suggests Origins of Mars Gullies

University of Arkansas researchers have used chemistry and geology to create a model that may explain the mystery of how modern-day gullies form on the surface of Mars.

New tool gets handle on cropland CO2 emissions

For the first time, farmers have data that tracks at the county level on-site and off-site energy use and carbon dioxide emissions associated with growing crops in the United States.

Research Shows Multimedia Can Help Report Complex News

Assistant Professor Ron Yaros paid his dues as a journalist - working in the midwest from Michigan to Wisconsin and Missouri. He covered science, technology and health. But he wanted more. "I realized that there might be ...

Does Facebook share too much information?

It's possible that you don't care whether your old college roommate thinks Ric Flair's birthday should be a national holiday. Maybe the fact that a co-worker adores a particular brand of potato chips does nothing for you.

Carbon Nanotubes Make Fuel Cells Cheaper

(PhysOrg.com) -- As fuel cells are becoming more popular due to their potential use in applications such as hydrogen-powered vehicles, auxiliary power systems, and electronic devices, the need for the precious metal platinum ...

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