
Magnetic quantum fluid: Extremely fluid in two ways

Two superfluids can exist at the same time in ultracold atomic clouds. Until now, their coexistence could not be observed experimentally. Now, however, physicists from Heidelberg University have demonstrated such a magnetic ...

Scientists reveal an unexpected gene in transparent worms

In new research published in Nature Communications, Emily Spaulding, Ph.D. and Dustin Updike, Ph.D. reveal the homolog of a well-known human protein, Nucleolin, in the tiny, transparent roundworm, C. elegans.

New report reveals young Australians are struggling financially

The way young Australians think about and manage their finances is rapidly changing and fintech is having a profound impact, according to new research from The Monash Center for Youth Policy and Education Practice (CYPEP).

Team creates crystals that generate electricity from heat

To convert heat into electricity, easily accessible materials from harmless raw materials open up new perspectives in the development of safe and inexpensive so-called "thermoelectric materials." A synthetic copper mineral ...

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