
Mathematicians' work helps change how people vote

As U.S. courts debate gerrymandering—the process of carving up electoral districts to disproportionately benefit one political party—Wes Pegden's work is helping to shape redistricting maps more fairly.

Image: Suitcase-sized asteroid explorer

This replica model of ESA's 'Miniaturised Asteroid Remote Geophysical Observer', or M-Argo, was on display at the Agency's recent Antennas workshop. It is the one of numerous small missions planned as part of ESA's Technology ...

Microscopic biological motors using magnetotactic bacteria

Since their discovery in the 1970s, scientists have developed a strong interested for magnetotactic bacteria, an intriguing microorganism that moves along the magnetic field lines due the magnetite particles they grow in ...

Blurry imaging limits clarified thanks to information technology

Although we're told a picture speaks a thousand words, that cliché seriously underestimates the value of a good image. Our understanding of how the world works is simplified by our ability to turn data into images. Imaging ...

Using AI to predict where and when lightning will strike

Lightning is one of the most unpredictable phenomena in nature. It regularly kills people and animals and sets fire to homes and forests. It keeps aircraft grounded and damages power lines, wind turbines and solar-panel installations. ...

Researchers convert 2-D images into 3-D using deep learning

A UCLA research team has devised a technique that extends the capabilities of fluorescence microscopy, which allows scientists to precisely label parts of living cells and tissue with dyes that glow under special lighting. ...

Even the most beautiful maps can be misleading

From reporting election results to issuing weather forecasts, maps offer a powerful, accessible and visually appealing way to convey complex information. But as a researcher focusing on data visualisation, I'm aware that ...

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