
A new way to measure gravity: Using floating atoms

A team of researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, has found a new way to measure gravity—by noting differences in atoms in a superposition state, suspended in the air by lasers. In their paper published in ...

A new type of fire, the fuel of the future?

Later this month a Texus rocket will launch from Esrange, Sweden, that will travel about 260 km upwards and fall back to Earth offering researchers six minutes of zero gravity. Their experiment? Burning metal powder to understand ...

Investigating the power of group think

While many people might find it difficult, if not downright distasteful, to dive into 1.5 million hours of partisan talk radio, Clara Vandeweerdt found it thrilling.

Targeted gene modification in animal pathogenic chlamydia

Researchers at Umeå University (Sweden), in collaboration with researchers at the University of Maryland and Duke University (U.S.), now for the first time successfully performed targeted gene mutation in the zoonotic pathogen ...

Strain-induced isomerization of molecular chains

National University of Singapore scientists have demonstrated a strain-induced structural rearrangement of one-dimensional (1D) metal-organic molecular chains for potential use in fabricating functional nanostructures.

Saving Australia's sea lion population

A world-first trial is under way to treat the Australian sea lion with a topical anti-parasitic in an attempt to rid the endangered species of debilitating hookworm infestation. The experiment is led by Dr. Rachael Gray, ...

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