
Shedding new light on West Africa's birds and butterflies

How do you identify a soaring scavenger from its flight silhouette, or pinpoint which species of swallowtail has just fluttered by on gossamer wings? These were among the challenges facing the survey teams as they attempted ...

A simple intervention enduringly reduces anti-Muslim sentiment

In the United States and Europe Muslims are often collectively blamed for extremist violence by individual Muslims, like Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik in San Bernardino, or the three coordinated attacks from members of ...

Controlling robots across oceans and space

This Autumn is seeing a number of experiments controlling robots from afar, with ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano directing a robot in The Netherlands and engineers in Germany controlling a rover in Canada.

Mapping white clover heritage

Four-leaved clovers may or may not bring good luck. What's indisputable is that all white clovers, whether with three or four leaves, have many benefits.

Pigs observed using tools for the first time

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in France has found evidence of pigs using tools—a first. In their paper published in the journal Mammalian Biology, the group describes multiple instances of Visayan ...

A study on tropical fish sheds light on species invasions

Biodiversity, i.e., the variety of life forms on Earth, is in great danger. Human-driven climate change and intensive land use are altering ecosystems, and globalisation facilitates the transport of non-native species into ...

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