
Two branches of plant immune response closely linked

Like animals, plants need to be on a constant lookout to recognize and respond to invasion by microbes. Plant immunity consists of two branches—the initial defense begins with the detection of invaders by receptors at the ...

Using frog foam as an antiseptic delivery system

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in the U.K. has found that the foam produced by a certain kind of frog can be used as an antiseptic delivery system. In their paper published in the journal Royal ...

Impacts of coastal protection structures take place over decades

Griffith University researchers have analyzed decades of surveys documenting the environmental response to coastal protection structures at an iconic stretch of the northern New South Wales beaches, finding that some impacts ...

Late Neanderthals used complex tool-making techniques

Neanderthals living in the Swabian Jura more than 45,000 years ago used sophisticated techniques with many different production strategies to make stone tools. The Heidenschmiede site has yielded many stone tools and by-products ...

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