
'Yoyo stars' found responsible for off-center cosmic bubbles

Astronomers have developed a new model to simulate the formation of a cluster of baby stars. Comparison with the well-known real case of the Orion Nebula shows that its off-center bubble of ionized gas was caused by a massive ...

Do proteins remember?

A study integrating biological ideas and new computer science tools has uncovered novel associations between genetic coding and protein structure, which could potentially change the way we think about protein production in ...

First microplastics found in Antarctic snow

University of Canterbury researchers have published the world's first study confirming the discovery of microplastics in fresh snow in Antarctica.

How do plants know how big to grow?

Organisms grow to fit the space and resources available in their environments, leading to a vast diversity of body sizes and shapes within a population of the same species. What are the genetic and physiological mechanisms ...

New maps of global geological provinces and tectonic plates

New models that show how the continents were assembled are providing fresh insights into the history of the Earth and will help provide a better understanding of natural hazards like earthquakes and volcanoes.

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