
Global network to eavesdrop on oceans quieted by COVID

Scientists will take advantage of an unprecedented fall in shipping activity to listen in to the world's oceans and study how manmade noise affects marine ecosystems, the project organisers said Thursday.

Asteroid crater on Earth provides clues about Martian craters

The almost 15-million-year-old Nördlinger Ries is an asteroid impact crater filled with lake sediments. Its structure is comparable to the craters currently being explored on Mars. In addition to various other deposits on ...

Molecule could beat antibiotic-resistant infections

By using their knowledge of how bacteria co-exist and compete with one another in nature, Western University researchers have discovered a compound that can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, a deadly bacterium ...

Your lawn could help save the bees

Over the past few decades, pollinators have been in decline worldwide, which is concerning because 70% of crops used for human food depend on pollinators. Turfgrasses—used for most residential lawns—often take some of ...

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