
VW employee chief urges US to consider fallout of fines

The head of Volkswagen's employee council said Tuesday he hopes that American authorities will consider the potential fallout on jobs in the U.S. and beyond as they mull what fines to impose on the company over its emissions-rigging ...

Amazon's first live TV program is on fashion

US online giant Amazon on Tuesday announced its first live show for its streaming video service, a 30-minute show dedicated to fashion which will be free to all viewers.

Five years on, Japan tsunami scars visible and invisible

The eye in the sky tells the story: satellite imagery from Japan's tsunami-ravaged Pacific coast shows the catastrophic aftermath of vibrant communities destroyed five years ago—and their struggle to recover even now.

Everyone sees the world through their own prism

How can public opinion be influenced in favor of climate protection? ETH political scientist Thomas Bernauer explored the question in a recent study. His sobering answer is that there is no magic formula.

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