
How dark matter could be measured in the solar system

Pictures of the Milky Way show billions of stars arranged in a spiral pattern radiating out from the center, with illuminated gas in between. But our eyes can only glimpse the surface of what holds our galaxy together. About ...

Measuring carbon ion loss from the Martian atmosphere

In recent decades, planetary scientists have developed ample evidence indicating that Mars was home to a relatively thick atmosphere and hosted liquid water on its surface during the Noachian, around 4 billion years ago. ...

Researcher develops Google for archaeologists

An incredible quantity of archaeological reports are stored in digital archives. If you want to search for information in them, you have to do this manually. And that is a real chore. Archaeologist Alex Brandsen has now used ...

'Unassuming' enzyme opens way for new medical treatments

It sounds like a plot for a Cold War thriller—training a gene to infiltrate a cell and reside there, unnoticed, until an external self-destruct signal induces it to destroy its new home.

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