
What workplace emails reveal about culture

Most of us use emails at work without so much as a second thought—but new research from Victoria University of Wellington shows a range of socio-cultural forces govern what and how we write.

Tech enthusiasts turn up at Las Vegas gadget show

At the International CES, the largest trade show in the Americas, tech enthusiasts have met in Las Vegas to see their dreams and fantasies about the future move closer to reality.

'Seeing' hydrogen atoms to unveil enzyme catalysis

(Phys.org) —Enzymes are catalysts that speed up chemical reactions in living organisms and control many cellular biological processes by converting a molecule, or substrate, into a product used by the cell. For scientists, ...

How do men and women respond to gender bias in STEM?

Research has revealed that gender biases limit the opportunities for women within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. But just how prevalent are these biases and how are they perceived differently ...

Ancient maize followed two paths into the Southwest

After it was first domesticated from the wild teosinte grass insouthern Mexico, maize, or corn, took both a high road and a coastallow road as it moved into what is now the U.S. Southwest, reports aninternational research ...

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