
Checking in on Foursquare can make new friends

One way to keep from feeling lost and alone in a new city is to connect with the people who share your favorite places, and modern technology is making that much easier. According to new Cornell research, the popular smartphone ...

New discovery could be a Thorne-Zytkow object

(Phys.org) —Speaking at this year's American Astronomical Society meeting, Hubble Fellow, Emily Levesque reported that she and her colleagues at the University of Colorado have discovered a star that just might qualify ...

Researchers grapple with UK's nuclear legacy

The University of Leeds will lead a consortium of 10 universities in a national research programme looking at ways of dealing with Britain's nuclear waste.

Saving vulnerable Australian fish species

Nearly one year into a study on the three rarest fish species in WA's south-west zone is already yielding invaluable data to aid in developing action plans that may save their future.

How does soil store CO2?

Global CO2 emissions continue to rise—in 2012 alone, 35.7 billion tons of this greenhouse gas entered the atmosphere. Some of it is absorbed by the oceans, plants and soil. They provide a significant reservoir of carbon. ...

Study shows 'readability' scores are largely inaccurate

(Phys.org) —Teachers, parents and textbook companies use technical "readability" formulas to determine how difficult reading materials are and to set reading levels by age group. But new research from North Carolina State ...

How robots learn general skills

To understand ourselves better, Roby Velez researches how robots learn general skills that help them explore their environment.

TV-on-Internet service Aereo gets $34M in funding

Aereo, a Barry Diller-backed startup that provides broadcast television channels over the Internet for a monthly fee, says it has secured $34 million in additional funding from outside investors.

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