
Carbon emission from star-forming clouds

The carbon atom can be easily ionized, more easily than hydrogen atoms for example. In star forming regions, where massive young stars emit ultraviolet light capable of ionizing atoms, all the neutral carbon nearby becomes ...

Biomining study could unlock future settlements on other worlds

Experiments on the International Space Station have shown that the process of "biomining" will work in microgravity; a discovery that could help the first space settlers gather the minerals they need to build a long-term ...

Monitoring European air traffic with Earth observation

In early 2020, ESA launched a contest asking the general public to submit ideas on how Earth observation data can help monitor the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, one of the winning ideas has been integrated into the ...

A photonic curveball has real-world examples in soccer, baseball

Have you ever been amazed by a curveball goal scored by Diego Maradona, Lionel Messi or Christiano Ronaldo? Then you have—possibly without knowing it—been exposed to the Magnus effect: the fact that spinning objects tend ...

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