
New way to measure sulfate particles

The University of Maryland and the National Institute of Standards and Technology created an improved technique to measure sulfur isotopic ratios.

Arctic Ocean waters warm suddenly

Water flowing from the North Atlantic Ocean into the Arctic provides evidence that the Arctic Ocean is warming, according to U.S. and European researchers.

Nano World: Ultra-dense circuits

Conventional electronics could in the future tap into the computational power of ultrahigh-density nanowire circuits via novel linking devices under development at university and corporate labs across the nation, experts ...

Nuke test detectors might warn of tsunami

Hydrophone stations in the world's oceans used to detect nuclear testing might help in an early warning system for tsunamis, say U.S. researchers.

Energy savings from airtight buildings

U.S. commercial building owners could save substantially on annual heating and cooling energy costs by making buildings more airtight.

Ocean height indicator of climate

U.S. and Canadian authors say an index of sea surface heights gathered by satellites could be a useful indicator of long-term climate cycles.

Wafer-Thin Color Displays for Packaging

Color displays may one day be used practically everywhere. And this would be possible even where it’s unprofitable today for cost reasons, such as on food cartons, medicine packaging or admission tickets. At the Plastics ...

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