
Ancient viral elements in RNA kickstart bone repair

Around half of the human genome is composed of DNA fragments originating from ancient viruses. These "transposable elements" (TEs) are now known to play various roles in modulating gene expression and disease development. ...

New nasal microbiome: Depriving multi-resistant bugs of iron

A research team led by Simon Heilbronner, Professor of Microbiology at LMU's Biocenter, has investigated how various bacteria that colonize the nasal cavity deal with the lack of iron there and interact with one another.

Take a trip to the largest lake on Mars

Mars once hosted a lake larger than any on Earth. The broken-down and dried-up remnants of this ancient lakebed are shown here in amazing detail by ESA's Mars Express.

Lasers deliver powerful shocking punch in material experiments

Shock experiments are widely used to understand the mechanical and electronic properties of matter under extreme conditions, like planetary impacts by meteorites. However, after the shock occurs, a clear description of the ...

Social rank may determine if animals live fast, die young

Anyone who has picnicked on the beach has experienced the unpleasant crunch of a sandwich with a surprise helping of sand. But for primates, the tolerance for sand may depend on whether their energy is better spent reproducing ...

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