
Germany demands tougher rules on emissions testing

Germany on Tuesday demanded tougher rules on controlling diesel car pollution in Europe as it blamed auto manufacturers other than Volkswagen of using defeat devices to pass emissions tests.

Big-box retail work has its benefits

With the rise of the big-box retailer in the past four decades, many are concerned that U.S. middle-class jobs in manufacturing have been replaced by minimum-wage jobs in retail.

Bacteria hairs make excellent electrical wires

Although proteins are usually electrically insulating, hair-like nanoscale filaments (called pili) on the surface of Geobacter bacteria exhibit metallic-like conductivity. To understand why pili are conductive, scientists ...

Replacing noble metals with nickel

Chemical synthesis can transform commodity chemicals into complex life-saving drugs, household products, or advanced materials. But this "alchemy" can also produce huge amounts of toxic waste or require harsh and dangerous ...

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