
Image: Proba-V view of Hawaii

ESA's Proba-V minisatellite gazes down at Earth's largest volcano – Mauna Loa, or 'long mountain' which covers half of the island of Hawaii.

Bacteria use their own pumps to collect magnesium

Researchers at UiO and NCMM have discovered that the system used by bacteria to transport magnesium is so sensitive that it can detect a pinch of magnesium salt in a swimming pool.

Nanoporous material's strange 'breathing' behavior

High-tech sponges of the infinitely small, nanoporous materials can capture and release gaseous or liquid chemicals in a controlled way. A team of French and German researchers from the Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris ...

AP PHOTOS: Iraqi museum refuge for relics of the past

After the destruction wreaked on archaeological sites by Islamic State group, the collections at the Iraq's National Museum in Baghdad have become even more important. It's now one of the only places you can find relics from ...

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