
Ancient hominins used fire to make stone tools

Human ancestors not only knew how to use fire, they also developed sophisticated technologies for making tools. Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science recently employed cutting-edge technologies of their own to ...

Lighting the path to recycling carbon dioxide

Semiconductive photocatalysts that efficiently absorb solar energy could reduce the energy required to drive a bioelectrochemical process that converts CO2 emissions into valuable chemicals, KAUST researchers have shown.

3 scientists win Nobel physics prize for black hole research

Three scientists won the Nobel Prize in physics Tuesday for establishing the all-too-weird reality of black holes—the straight-out-of-science-fiction cosmic monsters that suck up light and time and will eventually swallow ...

Battling with neighbors could make animals smarter

From ants to primates, 'Napoleonic' intelligence has evolved to help animals contend with the myriad cognitive challenges arising from interactions with rival outsiders, suggest researchers at the University of Bristol in ...

Cave raiders: Thai archaeologists hunt ancient artwork

An antelope, a lonely figure, a family linking arms—Kanniga Premjai shines her flashlight across a cave to reveal long-hidden paintings, a stunning discovery for Thailand's scrappy team of archaeologists.

Officials: Carbon capture project would be largest in world

One of the largest coal-fired power plants in the U.S. Southwest would undergo a $1.4 billion overhaul as part of a proposal to keep the plant operating for at least another decade while meeting stricter environmental requirements ...

California wildfires are larger than ever, but not deadlier

With months still to go in California's fire season, the state has already shattered records for the amount of land scorched in a single year—more than 4 million acres to date, with one blaze alone surpassing the 1 million-acre ...

Panel to announce 2020 Nobel Prize for physics

The 2020 Nobel Prize for physics is being announced Tuesday, an award that has in the past honored discoveries about the tiniest of particles and the vast mysteries of outer space.

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