
Are self-driving cars the future of mobility for disabled people?

Self-driving cars could revolutionize how disabled people get around their communities and even travel far from home. People who can't see well or with physical or mental difficulties that prevent them from driving safely ...

Terranova – thinking beyond a network standard

The future is digital: interconnected machines exchange huge amounts of data in real time and the demand for high data rates in the financial sector and in data centers is increasing by the day. Meanwhile, rural areas still ...

Study tells of pumpkin-colored zombies

Just in time for Halloween, a new study reveals that pumpkin-colored zombies may be running rampant through your local salt marsh.

Americans spend less on transportation today than 3 decades ago

Although the average cost of a new vehicle today is well over $30,000 and the price of gasoline has more than doubled in the past 30 years, Americans spend less on transportation today than they did back when the first George ...

Microsoft to help expand rural broadband in 6 states

Microsoft says it will team up with communities in North Dakota, Wisconsin, Virginia, Texas, Wyoming and Washington state in a program broadly aimed at fostering economic growth in rural and smaller metropolitan areas.

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