
New nanoparticles aid sepsis treatment in mice

Sepsis, the body's overreaction to an infection, affects more than 1.5 million people and kills at least 270,000 every year in the U.S. alone. The standard treatment of antibiotics and fluids is not effective for many patients, ...

Molecules found in mucus can thwart fungal infection

Candida albicans is a yeast that often lives in the human digestive tract and mouth, as well as urinary and reproductive organs. Usually, it doesn't cause disease in its host, but under certain conditions, it can switch to ...

Sharp X-ray images despite imperfect lenses

X-rays make it possible to explore inside human bodies or peer inside objects. The technology used to illuminate the detail in microscopically small structures is the same as that used in familiar situations—such as medical ...

Africa needs better weather warning systems, urge experts

Better climate-related research and early warning systems are needed as extreme weather—from cyclones to drought—continues to inflict the African continent, said Sudanese billionaire and philanthropist Mo Ibrahim, who ...

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