
What is the best radiation shielding for the surface of Mars?

The planet Mars is calling to us. At least, that is the impression one gets when examining all the planned and proposed missions to the red planet in the coming decade. With so many space agencies currently sending missions ...

Are the ethics of synthetic biology fit for purpose?

Synthetic biology promises far reaching solutions to human concerns, from averting climate catastrophes to medical breakthroughs. But are ethics keeping pace with emerging technology? The case study of engineered Artemisinin, ...

New model offers physics-inspired rankings evaluation

The world is rife with rankings and orderings. They show up in tennis—as in the French Open, which ends with a final ranking of champion players. They show up in pandemics—as when public health officials can record new ...

Origin of the boson peak in amorphous solids

Scientists from the Institute of Industrial Science at The University of Tokyo used molecular dynamics simulations to better understand the unusual properties of amorphous solids, such as glass. They found that certain dynamical ...

Many gun policy solutions are effective and popular, experts say

While there are many factors contributing to the scourge of gun violence in the United States, one thing is clear: The data—and the majority of Americans—support laws that sensibly restrict access to firearms under certain ...

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