
Vegetarian birds more sociable than insect eaters

Weaver birds that eat seeds flock together and nest in colonies more commonly than those species that eat insects, suggests new research by an international team of scientists led by the Milner Center for Evolution at the ...

Scientists reveal source of supersonic downflows into sunspots

Solar transition region supersonic downflows (SDs) are downward falling mass flux toward the sunspots. This phenomenon commonly exists above most sunspots. In IRIS spectra, SDs are often observed as strongly redshifted secondary ...

Astronomers inspect nova T Aurigae with Hubble

Using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), astronomers from Villanova University have analyzed spectroscopic observations of a nearby old nova known as T Aurigae. Results of this study, published March 29 on the arXiv pre-print ...

Astrophysicists theorize a new type of neutron star

A pair of researchers, one with Manly Astrophysics, the other with Universidad de Murcia, has proposed the existence of a new type of neutron star. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, Arthur Suvorov ...

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