
Zoos hiding birds as avian flu spreads in North America

Zoos across North America are moving their birds indoors and away from people and wildlife as they try to protect them from the highly contagious and potentially deadly avian influenza.

NASA delays final test for moon shot

The latest test of NASA's giant Moon rocket SLS has been suspended to allow for a SpaceX rocket to launch later this week, the US space agency announced Tuesday.

UN: 18 nations have gone green on climate, raked in green

Proponents of clean energy and thinks tanks have long said it's possible to reduce emissions and keep an economy growing. Now the latest report from the world's top climate scientists says 18 countries have done just that, ...

How does perennial grassland cover affect duck nest survival?

Efforts related to the management of breeding ducks in North America have often focused on developing and implementing practices that promote the survival of nests. Although it's thought that increasing perennial grassland ...

What are the motives behind cronyism?

A study in Economic Inquiry uses a novel experimental design to deconstruct the motives behind engaging in cronyism, for example, when a manager hires a friend without proper regard to their qualifications. The research indicates ...

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