
Hubble probes extreme weather on ultra-hot Jupiters

In studying a unique class of ultra-hot exoplanets, NASA Hubble Space Telescope astronomers may be in the mood for dancing to the Calypso party song "Hot, Hot, Hot." That's because these bloated Jupiter-sized worlds are so ...

Thai national parks ban single-use plastics

Thailand on Wednesday banned styrofoam packaging and single-use plastics from national parks as it fights a scourge of waste threatening wildlife.

Climate-warming microbes thrive in drying peatlands

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a dangerous greenhouse gas, warms the climate and destroys the stratospheric ozone layer. Nitrous oxide is the intermediate and by-product of several processes of the nitrogen cycle conducted by soil ...

Researchers find a new way to measure flying baseballs

As the Major League Baseball season gets underway, a burning question for many fans of the third most popular sport in the United States is how many homeruns they will see this season. 

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