
The living legacy of names

Around the world, statues of historic figures who symbolize colonialism and oppression are being critically examined, and often removed. Across the United States, Confederate figures and statues with clear racist symbolism ...

Number of spider species creeps up to 50,000

There are now 50,000 known different species of spider crawling the Earth, the World Spider Catalog announced Wednesday—and there might be another 50,000 out there.

Literature review of farming and climate studies

The understanding and response to the impact of climate change on agriculture will have repercussions for many years to come in terms of food security and the ongoing climate crisis itself. It is important that we can assess ...

How a narrow-spectrum antibiotic takes aim at C. difficile

Most antibiotics are double-edged swords. Besides killing the pathogen they are prescribed for, they also decimate beneficial bacteria and change the composition of the gut microbiome. As a result, patients become more prone ...

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