
How network effects hurt economies

When large-scale economic struggles hit a region, a country, or even a continent, the explanations tend to be big in nature as well.

Using colloids to build complex structures

Manufacturers produce high-end technology mostly top-down with large machinery, but small particles can build structures from the bottom up. A major challenge is that these particles easily clump together. Leiden physicist ...

Mars longevity champion launched 15 years ago

The NASA spacecraft that was launched 15 years ago this week carried the name 2001 Mars Odyssey and the hopes for reviving a stymied program of exploring the Red Planet.

Metal foam obliterates bullets – and that's just the beginning

Composite metal foams (CMFs) are tough enough to turn an armor-piercing bullet into dust on impact. Given that these foams are also lighter than metal plating, the material has obvious implications for creating new types ...

Peak friendship—data reveals when you'll be most popular

Making friends can seem easy when you're young. You encounter more new people and have more free time when you're first venturing out into the world than when you're more likely to be settled down with a steady job, a long-term ...

Terahertz technology reaches industrial maturity

Terahertz is a new technology in which nondestructive testing of components and surfaces is possible. Until now, these devices and, in particular, the sensor heads have been expensive and unwieldy. Researchers at Fraunhofer ...

Image: Saturn askew

As a convention for public release, Cassini images of Saturn are generally oriented so that Saturn appears north up, but the spacecraft views the planet and its expansive rings from all sorts of angles. Here, a half-lit Saturn ...

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