
Solar analemma 2015

If you took a picture of the Sun every day, always at the same hour and from the same location, would the Sun appear in the same spot in the sky? A very fine image, compiled by astrophotographer Giuseppe Petricca from Italy, ...

Polymers render concrete fire-resistant

Self-compacting high-performance concrete (SCHPC) has till now suffered from one weakness – when exposed to fire it flakes and splits, which reduces its loadbearing capacity. Empa scientists have now developed a method ...

Researchers discover new fundamental quantum mechanical property

Nanotechnologists at the University of Twente research institute MESA+ have discovered a new fundamental property of electrical currents in very small metal circuits. They show how electrons can spread out over the circuit ...

Reshaping accounting systems for women's empowerment

Accounting and feminism are not academic disciplines that often go together but their convergence is exactly the area that Victoria University of Wellington graduate Farzana Tanima wanted to explore in her doctoral research.

Peering into the secret world of life beneath winter snows

Snow covers some 40 percent of Earth's land masses year in and year out. And, as scientists are discovering, snow is critical to animals and plants that live in northern latitudes, as well as those in far southern latitudes ...

Can charitable giving improve your health?

Research by University at Albany economics professor Baris Yörük may provide additional motivation for those resolving to become more charitable in 2016.

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