
Image: Taurid meteor captured against Northern lights

ESA organises regular rocket launches together with the Swedish Space Corporation from northern Sweden in Esrange, Kiruna. The 13th Maser campaign saw experiments being carried 270 km up for six minutes of weightlessness.

Integrin clusters are the universal units of cell adhesion

Scientists from the Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore (MBI) at the National University of Singapore have discovered the universal building blocks that cells use to form initial connections with the surrounding environment. ...

New app to assess powdery mildew on grapes

Visual assessment of the grape and wine sector's most costly disease, powdery mildew, will be easier with a new, free smart-phone app developed by University of Adelaide researchers and collaborators.

Latent effects of blizzard a concern for cow-calf producers

As the snow melts away from Winter Storm Goliath and cattle are gathered back into pens and pastures, cow-calf producers should continue to watch their animals for lingering after-effects, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife ...

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