
New wings give ICARUS flight for second neutrino hunt

It's a big shining box, 4 metres high, 20 metres long: this magnificent detector arrived at CERN 16 months ago and since then it is undergoing a complete refurbishing. ICARUS, a 760-ton detector filled with liquid argon (LAr) ...

Social robot interacts naturally with young children

In cooperation with a consortium of European universities and companies, researchers at the Tilburg center for Cognition and Communication (TiCC) at Tilburg University are developing a social robot that is designed to interact ...

Is intentional extinction ever the right thing?

Consider this. It may be possible to eliminate some of the world's deadliest diseases, save 2.7 million human lives per year, and save millions more from getting sick…all that is needed is to cause the extinction of a couple ...

Active asteroid 324P/La Sagra observed by Hubble

(Phys.org)—The renowned Hubble Space Telescope (HST) plays a leading role in uncovering distant locations of the universe, but it could be also a helpful tool for studying nearby objects, like space rocks whizzing through ...

LHCb unveils new particles

On 28 June, the LHCb collaboration reported the observation of three new "exotic" particles and the confirmation of the existence of a fourth one in data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). These particles seem to be formed ...

Using servers for home heating

For his Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, Karim Ziadé assessed the feasibility of putting data centers into residential buildings for heating purposes.

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