
The Earth's rotation moves water in Lake Garda

Lake Garda has not yet revealed all of its secrets. This attractive tourist destination, unique for its physical and environmental characteristics, is also a case study for several international research teams. One of these, ...

TESS first light on stellar physics

Using asteroseismic techniques, an international team searched for pulsations in a subsample of five thousand stars, from the 32 thousand observed in short cadence in the first two sectors (roughly the first two months of ...

Oceans: They pollute, they pay

In an effort to combat ocean plastic pollution, the EU has just adopted ambitious new legislation targeting ten of the most common single-use plastic products washing up on beaches and imposing greater responsibility on plastic ...

Extreme heat to hit one third of the African urban population

Climate change, population growth and urbanization are instrumental in increasing exposure to extreme temperatures. Researchers at the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, – in collaboration with the University of ...

A novel antibiotic idea: Preventing bacterial stickiness

Researchers within the Dirk Linke group in the Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, are proposing a new method to fight the bacterium Yersinia enterocolitica, which causes severe diarrhea in an estimated 10 million ...

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