
Image: Lake-effect snowfall in the Great Lakes and New York

A powerful winter storm, with lake-effect snow, brought blizzard conditions to New York last week and buried the area surrounding the Great Lakes under a blanket of snow. Days of strong winds, with speeds of over 90 km/h, ...

Same genes, same conditions, different transport

The bacterium Lactococcus lactis, which plays an important role in the dairy industry, is unable to produce the amino acid methionine and has to rely on uptake from the environment. To do this, the bacteria have two systems ...

Water splitting observed on the nanometer scale

It is a well-known school experiment: Applying a voltage between two electrodes inserted in water produces molecular hydrogen and oxygen. Researchers seek to make water splitting as energy-efficient as possible to advance ...

Team finds citizen scientists make excellent resources

From tracking the amount of rain in their backyards to monitoring the water quality in local streams, citizen scientists have collected data for as long as there has been curiosity. And, it turns out, their data can be just ...

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