
Islands in yeast membrane revealed by extreme microscopy

University of Groningen microbiologists have visualized tiny islands in the cell membrane of baker's yeast. These membrane compartments appear to store transport proteins before use. The scientists observed that these proteins ...

Monitoring solar activity

Living near a star is risky business, and positioning a spacecraft near the sun is a very good way to observe rapidly changing solar activity and deliver early warning of possibly harmful space weather. ESA is now looking ...

UK bank bans bitcoin purchases via credit card

Lloyds Banking Group on Monday joined major US banks in banning purchases of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies via credit card amid debt and security concerns.

Alleged UK hacker wins US extradition fight

An alleged computer hacker from Britain won a court appeal Monday to block his extradition to the United States, where he faces charges in three states.

Amazon hammers out tax deal with France

US online retailer Amazon said Monday that it had settled a major tax claim in France and would start declaring all its earnings in the country locally, as European officials prepare to tighten the fiscal screws on digital ...

Fruit fly hunger games—taste neurons in control

A team of neuroscientists from the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown (CCU), in Lisbon, Portugal, has discovered that specific taste neurons located in the fruit fly's proboscis confer a craving for protein. The results, ...

Multiple ant-like transport of neuronal cargo by motor proteins

Microtubules are roads made of proteins that extend throughout a cell for motor proteins (carriers) to deliver neuronal cargo packed with many kinds of materials required for cellular activity. The delivery is active along ...

Quantum algorithm could help AI think faster

One of the ways that computers think is by analysing relationships within large sets of data. An international team has shown that quantum computers can do one such analysis faster than classical computers for a wider array ...

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