
Brown carbon 'tarballs' detected in Himalayan atmosphere

Some people refer to the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau as the "third pole" because the region has the largest reserve of glacial snow and ice outside of the north and south poles. The glaciers, which are extremely sensitive to ...

Synthesis of diamond-like carbon nanofiber film

An international team of researchers, led by Distinguished Professor Rodney S. Ruoff (Department of Chemistry) from the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM), within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) at ...

Astronauts and explorers on Mars could eat lab-grown steaks

Growing meat without the need to grow a whole animal has been the dream of agriculturalists and foodies everywhere for decades. More and more companies are jumping on the bandwagon to recreate the experience of eating meat ...

How will Starlink's packet routing work?

SpaceX's Starlink satellite cluster has been receiving much headline space recently as it continues adding satellites at a breathtaking pace. Much of this news coverage has focused on how it's impacting amateur skygazers ...

The lasting effects of pollution from the Kabwe mine

Kabwe, Zambia, has a long history of lead and zinc mining, centered around the now-closed Broken Hill Mine. Due to the mine, the city is also one of the most polluted places on Earth; even though the mine has closed, artisanal/small-scale ...

High thermoelectric performance achieved in P-type alloys

Recently, scientists from the Institute of Solid State Physics, along with their collaborators from the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), reported high thermoelectric performance of p-type Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 ...

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