
Shark skin microbiome resists infection

A survey of the shark skin microbiome provides the first step toward understanding the remarkable resilience of shark wounds to infection.

Synthetic phages with programmable specificity

ETH researchers are using synthetic biology to reprogram bacterial viruses—commonly known as bacteriophages—to expand their natural host range. This technology paves the way for the therapeutic use of standardized, synthetic ...

Puffins make poor diet choices when the chips are down

A new study has shown that Britain's puffins may struggle to adapt to changes in their North Sea feeding grounds and researchers are calling for better use of marine protection areas (MPAs) to help protect the country's best ...

Imaging host-pathogen battle for metal

Bacterial pathogens require nutrient metals to survive and cause disease, and hosts try to protect themselves by hiding metals away—a process called "nutritional immunity." Bacteria have evolved multiple strategies for ...

New way to date rocks

A new way to date a common mineral could help pinpoint ore deposits and improve mineral exploration globally, according to University of Queensland scientists.

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