
ALCF helps tackle the Large Hadron Collider's big data challenge

Argonne physicists are using Mira to perform simulations of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments with a leadership-class supercomputer for the first time, shedding light on a path forward for interpreting future LHC data. ...

Graphene could take night-vision technology beyond 'Predator'

Movies such as 1987's "Predator," in which an alien who sees in the infrared hunts down Arnold Schwarzenegger and his team, introduced a generation of sci-fi fans to thermal imaging. Since then, heat-sensing devices have ...

A step toward understanding how hibernation protects hearts

Wintry weather means hats and scarves for some mammals, and hibernation for others. Hibernation dramatically lowers body temperatures, heart rates and oxygen consumption—things that would be fatal to other animals. A team ...

New method for tracking the sources of diamonds

A technique for identifying the sources of diamonds without the use of clues such as the presence of specific inclusions will be reported on Wednesday, Nov. 4, in a presentation by Catherine McManus, Chief Scientist at Materialytics, ...

New low-cost battery could help store renewable energy

Wind and solar energy projects are growing at a respectable clip. But storing electric power for days when the air is still or when the sun goes down remains a challenge, largely due to cost. Now researchers are developing ...

How to catch hair from a bear

Brown bears' hair and droppings contain their DNA. This is important for research and management of brown bears. All good in theory, but how does one practically go about collecting DNA?

Ion propulsion—the key to deep space exploration

When we think of space travel, we tend to picture a massive rocket blasting off from Earth, with huge blast streams of fire and smoke coming out the bottom, as the enormous machine struggles to escape Earth's gravity. Rockets ...

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