
PALFA survey reveals eight new millisecond pulsars

An international team of astronomers has reported the discovery of eight new millisecond pulsars in the PALFA (Pulsar Arecibo L-band Feed Array) survey. All of the newly detected pulsars were found to have orbiting companions. ...

What are the hidden benefits of green infrastructure?

Around 72 percent of New York City's land is covered in an impervious layer of concrete, living up to its hype as the "concrete jungle" that Alicia Keys and Jay-Z sang about in "Empire State of Mind." This city might be "where ...

Humpback whales change their tune

New research led by the University of St Andrews reveals that humpback whales can learn new songs while navigating a shared migratory route.

Chemical element potassium detected in an exoplanet atmosphere

A team of astronomers led by AIP Ph.D. student Engin Keles detected the chemical element potassium in the atmosphere of an exoplanet, for the first time with overwhelming significance and applying high-resolution spectroscopy. ...

'Resonance' raman spectroscopy with 1-nanometer resolution

Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy resolved "resonance" Raman scattering with 1-nm resolution in ultrathin zinc oxide films epitaxially grown on a single-crystal silver surface. Tip-enhanced "resonance" Raman scattering can ...

Secret messages hidden in light-sensitive polymers

Scientists from the CNRS and Aix-Marseille Université have recently shown how valuable light-sensitive macromolecules are: When exposed to the right wavelength of light, they can be transformed so as to change, erase or ...

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