
Tolerance to stress is a 'trade-off' as fruit flies age

The consequences of aging are damage and degeneration of cells, which leads to loss of function, vulnerability to disease, and eventually, death. A hallmark of the aging process is the progressive decline of the nervous system, ...

Tracking security staff at large-scale events

Spectacular fireworks, a large crowd, and music with a driving beat—on the first weekend in May the Rhine in Flames event will set the large parks along the Rhine in Bonn topsy-turvy. In 2019, a team of researchers from ...

Pilots sleeping in the cockpit could improve airline safety

Airline pilots are often exhausted. An extreme example happened in 2008, when a pilot and a co-pilot both fell asleep at the controls, missing their landing in Hawaii—earning pilot's license suspensions as well as getting ...

3-D magnetic interactions could lead to new forms of computing

A new form of magnetic interaction which pushes a formerly two-dimensional phenomenon into the third dimension could open up a host of exciting new possibilities for data storage and advanced computing, scientists say.

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