
Serbia police probing attack on website

Serbian police said Wednesday they are investigating an attack on an independent website, as the Balkan country's new government sought to dispel allegations that it was trying to curb online and media freedoms.

Blueberries coated in leaf extracts have longer shelf life

An Oregon State University researcher has helped discover a substance in blueberry leaves – which are usually wasted – that can be added to berry coatings, extending their shelf life while adding antioxidants.

Investments may make or break climate change

A new International Energy Association (IEA) report, released today, says that the current trend of energy investments falls well short of the amount needed to avoid dangerous global warming, and policies in place are insufficient ...

Researchers join forces to study high school dual-credit policy

(Phys.org) —Researchers at the University of Michigan, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Tennessee Department of Education will share in a $2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to ...

New whale and dolphin watching body launches in Japan

Campaigners Wednesday welcomed the launch of a body promoting whale and dolphin watching in Japan, which they said could help the country move away from its controversial slaughter of the mammals.

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