
Image: Arrival at the International Space Station

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst tweeted this image from the International Space Station four days after his arrival at the outpost on a Soyuz spacecraft together with NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman and Roscosmos commander Maxim ...

Making a covert channel on the Internet

(Phys.org) —The best way to keep a message secret is not just to encrypt it, but to hide the fact that the message is even there. Computer scientists have created "covert channels" on the Internet, but they have been slow ...

Big laser for small debris

Remember how Imperial destroyers smashed asteroids in 'The Empire Strikes backs'? You can almost consider that old fashioned. Thanks to the CLEANSPACE project, space debris as small as 1 cm could soon be tracked down by Earth-based ...

One docking ring to rule them all

(Phys.org) —Connecting spacecraft in orbit will never be simple, but ESA is taking the next step to allow the next generation of vehicles of all types from around the world to link up with each other.

The formula for world-class science and chemistry education

The Royal Society of Chemistry has today launched a report which identifies disparities in the provision of specialist science and Chemistry teaching across the UK. The report highlights inconsistent delivery of science education ...

Bring your body into action in tomorrow's digital world

Computers restricts the possibilities to use the physical abilities of our human bodies and this is a fundamental problem for our health. Farid Abedan Kondori has studied how to use media technology to bring motion back to ...

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