
A new genus of forking fern family reported

Gleichenia boryi is a poorly known species of Gleicheniaceae (the forking fern family) endemic to Madagascar and La Réunion Island. This fern was distinct from other Gleicheniaceae in its leaf morphology. However, the generic ...

New method to determine how resistant rivers are to drought

Heat, dry conditions, and the resulting low flows in rivers and lakes characterized the summer months of 2003, 2015 and 2018 in Europe. Another low-flow period is on the cards for the summer of 2020. Researchers from the ...

Experiments show dogs can 'smell' radiated heat

A combined team of researchers from Lund University in Sweden and Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary has found evidence that dogs are able to "smell" radiated heat. In their paper published in the journal Scientific Reports, ...

3 reasons carbon capture and storage has stalled needlessly

The idea is simple: capture and concentrate CO2 before it's released to the air and store it deep underground where it can't escape. Instead of adding to the climate crisis, carbon capture and storage could turn power plants ...

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