
Possible detection of hydrazine on Saturn's moon Rhea

In a new report on Science Advances, Mark Elowitz, and a team of scientists in physical sciences, optical physics, planetary science and radiation research in the U.S., U.K., India, and Taiwan, presented the first analysis ...

Detecting functional changes at the proteome level

ETH researchers have drastically improved existing proteomics techniques so they can capture all functional alterations in proteins. Their work paves the way for using these signatures as diagnostic tools.

Study shows that viruses can evolve to benefit the host organism

A research group from the Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio) confirms that a virus that affects a cruciferous plant reduces its virulence in drought conditions.This is the first piece of research showing ...

Nickel phosphide nanoparticle catalyst is the full package

Most catalysts that promote the conversion of glucose to sorbitol offer certain properties while requiring compromises on others. Now, researchers from Osaka University have reported a hydrotalcite-supported nickel phosphide ...

Vibrating nanodroplets may invade a tumor

Sending tiny droplets to a tumor and having them vaporized using focused ultrasound: It could be a new way of tracing a tumor or deliver drugs locally. Researchers of the University of Twente now demonstrate a new phenomenon ...

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